Attacked by a dog?

Attacked by a dog?

Dog bites can occur without warning. An animal that appears to be friendly can attack children or adults out of nowhere.  Worse, many pet owners insist their animals are safe, even when they know that they are not.  As a result, thousands of animal attack injuries occur every year.  Some of them are even fatal.

If you or someone you love has been injured by a dog attack, Sy is ready to protect your rights.  Ay and his team are experienced in investigating and litigating injuries caused by dog bite incidents.



Get Compensated for Your Injuries

Get Compensated for Your Injuries

Dog bites can result in substantial medical bills, time missed from work, scarring, and even permanent injuries.  The emotional trauma from an attack can last for years.  Sy and his team know how to litigate dog bite cases and get you the compensation you deserve, including reimbursement for past (and future!) medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Attacked by a dog?  Better Call Sy!